Nissan 300ZX Z32 - Happy 2021
Behind the scenes of my artwork "Nissan 300ZX Z32 - Happy 2021"
About the illustration:
Happy 2021!
As you can see, this illustration is far off from what I have you (and myself as well) used to. It took many more hours than I would have liked to finish, but I’m very happy with the results.
The idea was, since it’s my first Japanese car drawing (long overdue, if I might add), to make some kind of manga style of drawing.
What I hadn’t thought about before, was that:
I don’t consume manga/comics regularly, so I’m not so used to the styling details.
I don’t know how much it takes to make a manga/comic illustration.
Turns out, number two’s answer was: a lot (or it was for me, with no previous experience). I’ll probably give more detail about the process in a blog post down the road, with a video with some of the process.
For now, I hope you have finished your 2020 as best as you could, and I’m wishing you all have a fabulous 2021. Thanks for hanging around with me!
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me via Ko-Fi with the button in the lower left end of the screen (or here). Thank you very much!
Some more detail shots: