Ferrari 550 Maranello interior

About the illustration:

Well, well, well… we’re closing in on 2023 with just enough time to squeeze some new artwork. And what artwork it is!

Behold, the Ferrari 550 Maranello interior. An icon from the 90s. A beautifully crafted six speed manual transmission that is just gorgeous to look at and (I imagine) a pleasure to action.

This is my first ever interior artwork, so it has been quite the challenge. It will probably also be my last, so do enjoy it. Inspect it, pay attention to the details. Absorb everything. Because the amount of love and attention to detail I poured in this one is a first. Not because I didn’t do it on purpose with previous art, but this time I was just so inspired and excited to get it done. And if you want to learn how to do this too, stay tuned until the end that I have a surprise announcement for you!

Here’s a closer look to some of the details for your enjoyment:

What would your favourite detail be? For me, it has to be the gated shifter chrome effect. That plate just turned out too good to be an illustration. I’m super proud.

Behind the scenes look to the linework:

Zoom into the linework, because the detail is just crazy for you to miss:

I hope you enjoyed the artwork! If you did, don’t hesitate to share this on social media. Feel free to visit the Creating Lightly store or buy me a Ko-Fi on the bottom left button. Thanks for your support!

Some end of year closing words

This will be the last piece of 2023. I hope you had an amazing year, because I sure did (and shared most of it on Twitter, so feel free to follow there if you don’t do it already).

I wish you a very healthy and enjoyable 2024. I know I will be doing a lot of work with Creating Lightly, regarding artwork, the course (check the announcement below, I would love you to join) and hopefully some new deals.

Before you go, quick announcement!

I will be creating an online course in 2024 where I teach you everything I learned in my 5+ years of experience doing these digital illustrations, but for you as a complete beginner. You don’t even need to know how to draw or anything beforehand. It will be from 0 to “I am proud of this!” (I even said that myself in this very post).

I could do it, and so can you. The difference and advantage is that for me it took all these years, and for you with my guidance and expertise, will only take weeks, or even days, if you put the effort in.

If you wish to know more and not miss the huge (and limited) early bird discounts I am planning, consider subscribing to my newsletter here. Subscribers will get all the news first in 2024. It will be a very nice place to be in, and it would be beautiful if we can build a community of like-minded light-hearted no-pressure people who enjoy cars, art and everything in between.

Thanks for reading and I hope I will see you there! For inquiries or regular interaction, you can find me as always, as @creatinglightly on Twitter.


Nielsen Racing 9th Anniversary